A corner two storey terrace house has been transformed into a chic urban residence for a young professional couple. The terrace with a corner entry was reconfigured to provide a personalised entry centred into the side of the house with a central staircase to minimise circulation. A living, dining and kitchen arrangement has been provided on the ground floor overlooking the garden, with two bedrooms, study and a terrace on the first floor including a bathroom on each floor.
Careful planning of circulation, access to natural light and ventilation together with thermal and acoustic insulation provided this residence with comfortable dedicated spaces unhindered by thoroughfare. The central staircase and bathroom on each level is treated like a piece of crafted joinery within the larger interior space. Deep window reveals to the rear of the house provide both shelter and privacy from adjacent properties, while the first floor terrace has been designed to accommodate landscaping and a cascading garden over the parapet wall below.